Amador Valley High School has both a String Orchestra (mostly freshmen) and a Symphony Orchestra (10th-12th grade, auditioned). During the 2019–2020 school year, the Symphony Orchestra performed at the California Music Educators Association (CMEA) All-State Conference for the third time. The group was selected to perform 20 pieces for the statewide convention (February 20–23, 2020).
In addition to the two large orchestras, the string department also has smaller ensembles such as the String Quartet and Cello Ensemble. The Symphony Orchestra consistently receives “Unanimous Superior” ratings at the CMEA Orchestra Festival. In addition, the Symphony Orchestra received the Instrumental Sweepstakes Award at the Big Apple Orchestra Festival in New York in 2016. During the 2020–2021 school year, the orchestras continued to make music. Their video, Glory to Hong Kong, has been viewed 144,000 times by people from all over the world.
The orchestras perform in winter and spring concerts and participate in the CMEA festival each spring. In the fall, interested students can audition for spots in regional and all-state honor orchestras.
Auditions are held each spring for the Symphony Orchestra. Symphony Orchestra students rehearse before school during "A" period. String Orchestra meets during the school day.